Although most OECD governments have tried to fight the rise in wage inequality by increasing in-work state benefits and trimming payroll taxes for those on lower incomes, the growth in wage inequality has exceeded the willingness to impose ever more progressive tax and benefit systems. 尽管大多数经合组织成员国的政府都试图通过提高就业福利、下调低收入者工资税等措施解决工资差距扩大的问题,但是,工资差距的扩大,甚于采取更激进税收和福利制度的意愿。
In recessions, progressive tax systems provide automatic tax cuts as declining incomes push households into lower tax brackets. 当经济处于衰退期时,累进税制将自动产生减税效应,因为收入下降会使得千家万户落入更低的税率级次。
A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases. 当税基增长,税率亦增长时,这个税就是累进税。
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 征收高额累进税。
In virtually all rich countries other than America such benefits ( rather than progressive tax systems) became the most important instruments for reducing inequality. 实际上,在所有富国中,除了美国,这样的福利(而不是累进税体系)成为了减少不平等性最重要的手段。
In regard to salaries tax, it is relatively more complicated since progressive tax rate or standard tax rate may apply. 计算应缴薪俸税款则较为复杂,须比较累进税率和标准税率,以确定何者适用。
Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises, such as the introduction of progressive profits tax, increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax. 一些反对者也接受增加其它税项,例如引入累进利得税、提高利得税和资产增值税。
If left unchecked, public disquiet will sooner or later bring a political response, maybe in the form of much more aggressive regulations and progressive tax systems. 若不对这种文化加以限制,公众的不安情绪迟早会引发政治反应&其形式可能是远为严苛的监管和累进式税制。
Ways to achieve this include a progressive consumption tax, equalising the tax treatment of debt and equity, and drastically lowering tax rates on dividends and capital gains. 实现这一点的方式包括设置累进消费税,对债务和股本实行同等税收待遇,同时大幅降低股息和资本利得税率。
Creating conditions for the progressive realization of a unified urban and rural tax system is an important part of this strategy. “创造条件逐步实现城乡税制统一”是这一战略构想的重要组成部分。
In the US, tax policies have become less progressive; the bulk of recent tax cuts went to the winners, those who had already benefited both from globalisation and changes in technology. 在美国,税收政策的累进性有所降低;而近期大多数的减税好处都落入了全球化赢家的腰包,但他们早已从全球化和技术变革中获益。
You have a progressive tax system that takes more money from the wealthier people and you have a welfare system that looks at individual hardship and pays out. 我们有随富有程度加重税负的,累进税制,还有关注个体并进行再分配支出的,福利制度。
The ideal solution would be a global progressive tax on individual net worth. 理想的解决方案是按照个人财富净值征收一种全球性的累进税。
We have a system, which you say it really& The progressive tax system is very important but it's not conceptualized right. 我们有个制度,你们都觉得-,累进税制非常重要,但它被错误的概念化了。
Progressive tax rate, as a major concept in The Taxation, is frequently used in income tax. 累进税率是税收学中一个非常重要的概念,在所得税中经常使用。
Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System: A Strategy of High Progressive Tobin Transfer Tax 人民币汇率制度改革应该引入高累进托宾交易税
Unified Progressive Tax in the Anti-Japanese Base Aras 统一累进税:抗日根据地财政建设的伟大创举
The first part introduces the selection between the proportional tax rate and the progressive tax rate. 第一部分是关于个人所得税税率形式在比例税率与累进税率之间的选择。
A Preliminary Exploration into the Quantitative Analysis on Progressive Tax Rate 累进税率定量分析初探
The Suggestion for Adjusting "Nine Grades Excess Progressive Rates" of the Individual Income Tax& The Adjusting Scheme Should not Ignore the Impact on Fiscal Revenues 调整个人所得税九级超额累进税率的建议&调整方案不应忽视对财政收入的影响
On the Continuous Progressive Tax Rate 连续累进税率:对所得税运行模式的一点改进
Because of the defect of law of diminishing marginal utility on which progressive tax is based, and the abuse of progressive tax in practices, it is difficult for progressive tax to redistribute income fairly. 由于累进的个人所得税理论依据&边际效用递减理论的缺陷,以及累进税制在实践中存在的弊端,使累进税制难以实现收入公平再分配目标。
Our present existence extra progressive tax rate, individual income tax payments too high, the tax rate set injustice problem. 我国当前存在超额累进税率级距过多、个人所得税税率过高、税率设定不公平等问题。
Individual income tax law of our country by the tax is the classified under the mode of extra progressive tax rate of proportional rate coexist with form. 我国个人所得税法采用的是分类课税模式下的超额累进税率与比例税率并存的税率形式。
Thirdly, the government should implement more stricter progressive consumption tax and income tax, and by doing this we can improve the national happiness level due to reducing income inequality and waste of resources and other ways. 第三,政府要更多地实施累进的消费税和所得税,这样可以通过减少资源浪费和收入不平等来提高一国的整体幸福水平。
However, the rural landlord economy has been hit hard because of the high tax progressive tax and reduced rent and interest rates in many times, there are no benefits to obtain by struggling the village landlord, in fact, the landlords in village were almost bankrupt. 在高税额的阶级累进税制下,乡村地主经济受到重创,又经农民多次的减租退息,在村地主已无油水可捞,事实上已经破产。
Individual income tax is the most effective tax adjustment towards income distribution, and its essential lies in the degree of progressivity. The progressive degree of individual income tax affects the adjustment results of income distribution. 个人所得税是调节收入再分配的最直接税种,累进程度是其核心要义,个人所得税的累进程度影响着其调节收入分配的效果。
Compared to withholding paying, categorized and levy collection and management model, with a comprehensive declaration of independence declaration by combining the progressive realization of all the people to declare personal income tax to maturity is a sign. 比起代扣代缴,分类分项征收的征管模式,实行自主申报与综合申报相结合,逐步实现全民自行申报,是个人所得税走向成熟的标志。
First, learn from foreign experience, and improve the taxation system: proposes classification and comprehensive implementation of tax system model; reform taxation units; reasonably regulate the reduction; simplify the classification progressive tax rates, and reduce the top rate. 一是借鉴国外经验,完善税收制度:建议实行分类与综合税制模式;改革课税单位,合理规范扣除项目;简化分级累进税率,降低最高税率。
The existing water resource taxation in Germany only taxes the wastewater pollution. The revenue target is clear defined. Progressive tax rate provides the taxpayers an adjustment process. It also encourages taxpayers to reduce water pollution. 德国现行的水资源税只有废水污染税,明确定义了征税对象,累进税率给纳税人提供一个适应的过程,并且鼓励纳税人减少对水资源的污染。